We will be talking about the following animals wich are the camel the bat and the fox.

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Camels live in desert areas of Asia, they are herbivores.They usually drink very few, times since they are able to store large amounts of water in their humps.They live over 50 years old,they reach two meters with the hump and weigh 816 kilograms.

There are three types of camels.The bactrian camel that has two humps and is also domestic.The wild bactrian camel that also has two humps but no one has managed to domesticate it, and the dromediary wich has a single hump.
the function of the hump is to store water reserves wich allow it to resist drought and can spend long periods of time without the need for water but when they are left without reserves the hump becomes weak and soft.
The herbs they eat give them enough water to survive for a long time.The camel is capable of drinking approximately 135 liters of water in 13 minutes.

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Almost all bats are nocturnal.That maeans they are active at night and asleep during the day.
Bats hang upside down to sleep.They hang in high places to be safe from hunting animals.
Bat colony finds shelter in residential building in Romanian city ...
some bats hang from trees or under bridges.Bats might even hang out in your attic.Other bats live in caves.They hang from the cieling.

A group of bats is called a colony.Some colonies in caves have more than 20 miillion bats.

There are more than 1200 different species or kinds of bats.some kinds are the tube-nosed bat,ghost bat and jamaican fruit-eating bat.The most common bat in North America is the little brown bat.

Bats live on every continent except for Antarctica.They can be founded as far north as the Arctic Circle, where temperatures can dip as low as negative 30 degrees Fahrenheit.They also live in very hot places, like Death Valley, California, where the temperature once reached 134 degrees fahrenheit.

Bats are mammals,mammals have fur and they are warm-blooded.That means that the temperature of their bodies does not change with the temperature of where they are.Bats are the only mammal in the world that can fly.
Flying is hard work,bats use gravity or the force that pulls objects downword to Earth to help them take off.First they hang upside down.Next they drop their perch and flap their wings until they are flying through the air.Most bats are small and weigh less than two ounces.That is less than an orang.

Bats have super senses.
some bats can see in the dark.Bats nose have extra-special smell sensors and have great hearing.They can here an insect´s beating wings.Some bats hibernate too.
Many types of bats use a special sound to get around and to finf food.This is called echolocation.Bts send this sound out from their nose or mouth.The sound travels to an object,bounces off it,and travels back to the bats ears.This lets the bat know how far away the object is so the bat can locate it.

Zorro Rojo | Wiki Reino Animalia | Fandom
There are about ten species of quadruped mammals in the canid family known as foxes seemingly similar to a medium sized dog with pointed ears,a long,thin snout,and a furry tail and body.This group of animals is also called vulpinos.Foxes are very different from dogs,wolvs and other members of canid family ,their habbits are generally nocturnal and solitary (unlike dogs that tend to the pack) and do not communicate through barking,but through body postures and tail movements,or through highly characteristic howling and shrieking.

These are animals that are not very used to domestication,altaought some species have been used to protect agricultural farms from their natural pests.This has made the fox,paradoxically, a species threatened with extinction from some regions and a true pest in others,whose uncontrolled reproduccion has caused multiple extinctions of local species.

The fox is mostly omnivorous,that is,it feeds in anything.However,their habits are does of a hunter or predator.They use there fine sense of smell and hearing to detect rodents,insects,scorpions,eggs,small birds,but they can also feed on fruits,seeds and grains.

The fox is the most widley distributed animal species in the world,after the human.It is known on all continents,adapted to the specific of its wild habitat.

Fox life cycle in freedom,most foxes can live between 5 and 6 years,having to do with their natural predators.In capitivity,on the other hand, foxes can exceed the 12 years of life but thir domestication is always difficult and risky in most cases.
